T4S Partners IT Asset Management
T4S Partners is a premier Cherwell professional services partner. T4S Partners has provided professional services for a long list of Fortune 500 clients. Our mastery of IT Asset Management /CMDB technology, industry best practices, process integration and our implementation approach greatly benefit our clients who look to us to successfully move their visions from concept to reality.
Challenge: Gaining Visibility And Control Over Your IT Investments
If your organization is like most, it’s a struggle to keep tabs on all physical, financial, and contractual details relating to your hardware and software investments. The ever-changing technology landscape—including BYOD, cloud and virtualized environments, and the explosion of specialized apps and services to support virtually every conceivable business need—only complicates matters. In order to manage the costs, risks, and opportunities associated with your IT assets, you need centralized visibility and control of those assets.
Solution: Cherwell Asset Management
Cherwell Asset Management (CAM) is an IT asset management (ITAM) solution designed for organizations seeking improved governance over their hardware and software investments. By integrating data related to hardware and software inventory, application usage, contracts and entitlements, and life cycle status, you can track and manage your IT investments from purchase to retirement—and abandon Excel spreadsheets once and for all. Cherwell Asset Management integrates seamlessly with Cherwell® Service Management, populating the Cherwell configuration management database (CMDB) with IT asset data, and providing service desk staff with information needed for effective Incident, Problem, and Change Management.
Cherwell® Asset Management includes several integrated components for data collection, administration, and reporting. The database and web-based components can be installed on one server or on multiple servers depending on your specific requirements. If you choose to install all components to a single server, you should ensure the selected machine meets the memory requirements shown for the “CAM Database” component.
Minimize Risk, Rein in Costs with the Power of IT Asset Management
Discovery And Inventory
Hardware Inventory. Reporting on machine characteristics such as processor type/speed, memory, disk space, network card address, manufacturer, serial number, and more.
Software Inventory. Conduct complete inventories of installed software including application or suite name, version associated files, installation location, file details, and more.
License Compliance Analysis. Easily reconcile software inventory with license information so you can ascertain your compliance status. Apply Microsoft product use rights to compliance calculations for Microsoft Office applications and Windows desktop and server operating systems.
Support for Virtualization. Track both physical and virtual licensing requirements for Microsoft Server OS.
Software Usage Metering
Software Usage Data. Track application launches and detailed usage trends across your organization. Identify which software applications are unused or underutilized so you can save on license and maintenance costs.
Application Control. Prohibit the use of non-standard, unauthorized or “nuisance” applications. Configure rules that restrict individual users, groups, or your entire organization from launching specified programs.
Support for Virtualization. Track usage and control applications launched within virtual software environments.
Support for Citrix and WTS Environments. Collect software usage data and control application launches in Citrix and Windows Terminal Server (WTS) environments. Track application usage back to specific users and end devices (workstations or thin clients).
Support for Concurrently Licensed Applications. Monitor peak usage and enforce compliance for concurrently licensed programs. Allocate licenses by individual machine or group, automatically terminate applications based on specified idle time, and notify wait-list members when licenses become available. Cherwell Asset Management identifies disparities between the number of software licenses installed, purchased,
IT Purchasing System
Purchasing Information Entry. Enter or import unlimited purchasing details; track and manage contractual information including Microsoft Agreements, contract start and end dates, renewals, and custom fields; set up access profiles to restrict access by user or department.
Asset and Cost Allocation. Assign IT purchases to individuals and organizational groups.
Purchasing Data Reconciliation. Easily reconcile purchasing data with deployed hardware and software, enabling all IT asset information to be viewed in one location.
Contract Expiration Alerts. Configure e-mail alerts that notify you when maintenance, lease, or service agreements are about to expire.
Accurate And Comprehensive Reports
Superior Application Recognition. Cherwell Asset Management uses a propriety software identification database to recognize the countless applications discovered on your network. In contrast to other IT asset management technologies, the application recognition process uses multiple methods of identification, enabling you to differentiate between application versions, suite editions (i.e., Microsoft Office Professional vs. Standard), installations which are standalone products or part of a suite (i.e., Microsoft Access), and applications which are run via the same file executable (i.e., SQL Server and SQL Express).
Data Rationalization and Analysis. Software inventory and usage data are automatically analyzed from a licensing perspective. Secondary files (such as Solitaire) are associated with their “parent” applications (Microsoft Windows); inventory and usage data are reconciled with purchasing data so you can easily see where you are under-licensed and over-licensed.
Flexibility. Reports can be easily customized based on audience such as IT, purchasing, or executive management. Filter reporting data on multiple items (machine, license unit, etc.) or group, and sort on any displayed data column. Easily build queries to locate machines with specific combinations of machine attributes and/or installed applications to assess machine capabilities and migration readiness. Quickly add custom hardware properties or non-networked physical assets for inclusion in inventory reports. Easily configure the product to recognize proprietary applications.
Ease Of Deployment And Use
Rapid Deployment. Average deployment takes hours— not days, weeks, or months.
Automatic Workstation Discovery. Discover workstations using Active Directory or NT domains.
Scheduled or On-Demand Inventories. Schedule PC inventories to occur on a regular basis, and/or inventory any computer at any time from the administrative console.
Centralized Management. Install, upgrade, or remove the Cherwell Asset Management Agent from workstations directly from the Administrative Console. Enjoy at-a-glance visibility into inventoried workstations, users, applications, and product status. Track change history, customize views, and easily define policies to control administrative and reporting access.
Industry-Standard Technologies. Take advantage of the latest technologies, including support for Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft 2008 Server, 64-bit clients, Microsoft .NET, and HTTPS.