ESM is a proven way to manage and deliver services to keep organizations running efficiently.
Companies considering next-gen Enterprise Service Management (ESM) and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) already know the benefits of integrated ESM/ITSM functionality, but they often struggle with the planning process. “How do I make the transition without upsetting my business?”
The T4S approach focuses on each individual customer needs and leverages our tools, and best practices to assist companies that are ready to start their transition. Our SureSwitchSM methodology has four key steps that will lead to a successful transformation journey:
- Organizational Alignment: Your organization has made the decision to proceed with an evaluation of alternative solutions.
- Executive Sponsorship: A decision such as this will require support of key executives within your organization.
- Case for Action: Our team will work with you to build a solid business case that includes both solution cost reductions and process improvements.
- Execution: Now that you have the proper foundational elements in place, our team will work collaboratively with you to develop the key milestones of your implementation plan.
Organizational Alignment
Most companies know that their current Enterprise Service Management system and IT Operation Management processes are less than optimal, and they are unable to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of their business.
The issue is not whether they are less than optimal but, rather, how far below the standard baseline are they? We recommend that companies use regular checkpoints to evaluate where they are on the Maturity Matrix to determine where improvements need to be implemented.
Executive Sponsorship
Most companies know that their current Enterprise Service Management system and IT Operation All successful transformation programs start with executive directives and end with executive sponsorship. Companies and their executives are typically bottom-line driven, so they focus on making sure that their investments deliver the proper returns.
Licensing costs are just one factor and do not provide the total business case to be considered. We recommend that companies evaluate the total cost of ownership and create a proper business case.
A Proper Economic Evaluation
Includes a deeper dive into the Return On Investment (ROI) and the Total Cost of Ownership to fully understanding and quickly identify where savings will be realized. The business case should identify all costs as well as savings across the enterprise to calculate the initial payback period and the annual rate of return.
Case for Action
Once your organization is aligned and executive sponsorship has been attained, the next step in the process is to create a clearly stated “case for action” that outlines where to begin your journey and the direction you’re headed.
Once your organization is aligned and executive sponsorship has been attained, the next step in the process isToo often, companies begin without a clear understanding of where to focus on opportunities for significant and measurable improvement. To address this shortcoming, T4S recommends that all companies take time to assess their current state of performance and identify areas for transformational change that will contribute to the preparation of a well-constructed roadmap and case for action.
The “Baseline Assessment”
A baseline that uses a series of best practices and key performance metrics is evaluated to help you better understand your current state and your potential. Gaps, bottlenecks, root causes of poor performance, and training opportunities will be identified. Best practice recommendations assist with identifying and improving your maturity levels.
Transformation Execution
Our streamlined approach to this provides value by creating a solid foundation to build your ESM/ITSM platform that is optimized with thirteen aligned Pink Verified ITIL processes.
A tried and tested plan and an experienced partner to guide the way are two of the critical success factors needed for smooth execution.
SureSwitchsm is a T4S methodology and a set of accelerators that lowers the risk and execution of time to value. Built on the baseline assessment, the economic evaluation, and the case for action, as the foundation for the transformation plan, T4S execution is accelerated by leveraging several pre-built components, toolkit accelerators, and best practices.
These steps cover the basics for an ESM/ITSM implementation roadmap, but if you haven’t yet reviewed the full landscape of potential problems and service provider solutions included in the ESM decision, you may be putting the cart before the horse.
We can explain the benefits of next-gen ESM in more detail and help you analyze your company’s needs and potential ROI you can realize by transitioning to an ESM technology platform.