Next-Level Brand Management powered by real-time insights and a responsive low-code platform
Harnessing the power of a revolutionary on-demand workforce, MyBrandForce (MBF) is a full-service consumer brand management and retail execution company that maximizes our clients’ revenue and brand value in today’s competitive digital and retail markets.

Market Opportunity:
- Experienced Consumer Products Group (CPG) industry executives knew the key to effective brand execution came through insights at the point of purchase. If only the brand manager had eyes across the retail landscape to see how their product is positioned and priced in the field for the end consumer. For most product companies, this is a significant blind spot.
- MyBrandForce uses an on-demand gig workforce (called Brand Agents) to execute retail assignments and capture real-time observational data at targeted retail sites across the country. Individual assignments are tailored to the customer’s needs including products, activities, and geographies.
- Access to real-time observational data helps MyBrandForce customers identify gaps in their retail execution strategy and discover missed opportunities leading to increased sales.
“The OutSystems Platform has exceeded our expectations!
We were able to build the initial platform and begin conducting business, all within 6 months of starting our development.
And now that we are in production, we are rolling out major updates every month…
The low-code aspects along with the built-in infrastructure with functionality such as DevOps and Security checks, all have been instrumental in our time to market and return on investment.”
MyBrandForce Executive
Developing the MyBrandForce Operational Platform:
MyBrandForce’s Operational platform includes three core applications targeted at key user communities:
- MyBrandForce Brand Agents claim and complete their assignments using the Brand Agent mobile application. Assignments may include answering specific questions, taking photographs, or interviewing a store manager at the site. Brand Agents also use the mobile application to complete training, view achievements, receive notifications, and track payments.
- MyBrandForce staff use the Command Center to recruit, hire, and train Brand Agents. The Command Center is also used to design and plan missions, monitor assignments in real-time, escalate live issues, score data, and pay thousands of Brand Agents across the country.
- MyBrandForce customers can monitor missions in real-time using Customer Portal. It can be tailored to their needs. With live data and alerts, customers can identify gaps in their retail execution strategy, discover missed opportunities and act.
- T4S selected Outsystems’ industrial-strength low-code solution the platform of choice for the core platform. Speed, scalability, and responsiveness were “must-have” platform characteristics.
T4S delivered the first production release of all three applications Within 3 months. This was possible by creating a solid architectural design that was implemented using the OutSystems low-code platform. - With each sprint, the development team continues to introduce new features that extend the core value proposition. These include usability improvements, increased automation, and integration to strategic 3rd party applications. One significant addition is the integration to, a best-in-class platform for next-day payments for brand agents; real-time payments will also be offered soon. Using the Outsystems low-code platform allows the T4S team to quickly deliver business value and drive business results.

Gaining Market Traction:
- With the initial platform launch, MyBrandForce quickly generated excitement with innovative new brands and Fortune 500 companies. MyBrandForce signed their first customer in October 2022. The sales pipeline for 2023 is growing rapidly.
- Brand missions are increasing with a target to exceed 1,000 assignments per week this year. The Outsystems-based application platform reliably delivers the speed, scalability, and responsiveness needed.